Monday, November 20, 2006

Printing all the news about things that fit.

You don't need to leave your home. No, seriously, you don't need to leave your home.

We've all known for a while that just about anything--legal or illicit--could be purchased on the Internet, but there were certain things that, convenience factor aside, you simply wouldn't buy on the Internet. At the top of that list was probably jeans. I mean, buy a pair of jeans without first trying them on and, well, let's be honest--your ass was going to look fat. According to the NY Times though, a new Internet site has changed all that. The site,, takes down info about your body type (well, right now, only women's), and spits back the fit that's right for you. Apparently, it even kind of works. I tried to vet the site for the Daily Irk fashionistas out there but it seems that the NY Times publicity has them slightly overwhelmed. Rather than loading, the site produced a message apologizing that all of its "fitting rooms" were full. Jesus, it's just like going to the mall.


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