From a Friend in Brooklyn...

Apropos of this blog, the New York Times today ran a piece on things that annoy people and what those people are doing about it. Among my favorites:
Apropos of this blog, the New York Times today ran a piece on things that annoy people and what those people are doing about it. Among my favorites:
This is a fantastic site. IT shows a giant industrial shredder eating everything from a washing machine to a huge tractor tire. Hours of fun. Enjoy.
Scientists in Russia (you have to love any posting that begins with those three words) announced this week that they have developed a new pill which "prolongs drunkenness and enhances intoxication." You really have to respect the Russians for even thinking of that.
A friend recently sent me this link to a beautiful website with some really lovely photographs by Gregory Colbert. It's part of an exhibit at the temporary Nomadic Museum at Pier 54, for those in New York.
Apparently I wasn't alone in my fascination with this video clip of a fat kid singing to his webcam. The clip has now been viewed by over a million people, according to the original posting website, and has appeard on CNN and VH-1.
I'm struggling to find something positive to say about this. Although the combination of trends and assumptions behind this are so collectively aweful they are nearly apocalyptic, I guess I'm sory of impressed that they managed to cram so many cliches into three sentences.
Filene's Basement is hosting the "Running of the Brides" where brides-to-be will descend upon the Union Square location to find the perfect wedding dress at rock bottom prices. One lucky New York Post reader will beat the mad rush and have the opportunity to shop for their dream wedding dress before the store opens to the public. Plus, The Post's Wedding Page's writer will help the winner choose the perfect wedding dress.